Password Managers – Tips and Tricks

Passwords Managers ?

Learn to save your passwords with good tools , lots of people constantly do forget their passwords or have to retreive them by email if forgotten. this then enables hacking sites to breach in and post your password like we do. however we do no harm, most of our passwords are forgotten password that rebill and its only fair if other people can use the content, that was paid for by a previous member.

We do not the recommend the Usage of third party Password Managers like Dashlane or Lastpass or similar (Roboform, Keypass). Why?
because those services  will store your most intimate data on third party servers that are out of your control. if you are paranoid , and you better stay paranoid, you will allways keep the biggest sensitive assets by your own. a simple local open office data sheet, or excel will do the trick. just create a sheet  that is stored locally on your computer .whenever you create a new account or login data, save them within that sheet . It stays on your computer, no one else will access it and its safe. and in moments where you have to recover a password you just open that sheet and copy paste your login data. simple but efficient.
Example of very basic password spreadsheet for your local computer that is 100% save from hacking

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