Purchasing Paysite Content with Crypto, does it make sense ?

is it safe to become a paid member of an adult site?

there are still people who have concerns about paying for adult content with crypto or credit card. Instead of registering yourself as a subscriber to a high-quality premium site, there is a paranoia deeply rooted in society that you could be doing something stigmatizing if you register with a premium site and your data gets leaked. But that is not the case. From my own experience, I can say that the personal data of my own user account on an adult provider has never been leaked.

searching for pirate content takes a lot of time

I have also never experienced receiving unexpected charges. But if these concerns continue to hold you back and tempt you to get your content from pirate sites instead of using the smooth comfort of a premium site, you have to realize that nothing in this world is really free.

searching for pirate content takes a lot of time

A good compromise is to use premium sites that offer crypto. Here you can open an account almost half anonymously without the usual KYC and pay with crypto. Stablecoins, altcoins, bitcoin, everything is possible. Not every erotic site offers this, but more are being added every day. This way you can be absolutely sure that you will still have all the advantages of comfort almost completely anonymously and will not catch any viruses or worms on dubious pirate sites. We add the sites that accept cryptocoins here daily.

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